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August September Newsletter 2022

Center hours are 8am to 4pm

Monday through Friday


· Free Coffee Wednesday

· Free Root beer Float Thursday (Free 1pm to 3 pm sponsored by our generous Pool Players) Every Thursday

· Aerobics Every Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays start at 8:30 end about 9:30 am. Cost is $5.00 per month.

· Pool practices every afternoon

· Bingo is every Tuesday and Friday at 1 pm. We welcome any donated white elephant prizes! Play for free!

· Color your Cares away adult coloring each Thursday 1 to 3.

· Starting Yahtzee also on Thursday afternoons 1 pm.

· Craft club meets 3RD Friday of each month. Project/cost to be determined but is usually around $5.

· Cards: 10-point pitch, Phase 10 are now ongoing. Times vary.

· Dominos (Mexican Train) have groups Friday 12:00.

· Friendship meals are served promptly 11:30 AM Mon thru Fri

· First Friday Book Club meets 9 am once a month. Call with questions. They are looking for new members.

· Board meetings are 3rd Wednesday each month

Income based Commodities will be distributed Thursday August 18th. No Commodities in September

Coffee groups are welcome any time!

Coffee is 25 cents a cup here at the center.

Transportation is now free to the center. Join us for lunch!


Bus runs 8am until 3:30pm Mon-Fri

Just call 241-1848 to reserve a time and our friendly TLC drivers will pick you up at your door. Drop offs anywhere in town. Dr. appts, shopping, work- just $1.00 per way.

This is regular public transportation and any age can ride. We also have a handicap accessible lift for your convenience. Just a reminder to try and schedule the day before to reserve the time you desire. Any rides to the senior center are free.

Our Scheduled Shopping days:

Dillon’s Trips: Mon 10:00 am as well as Thurs 1:00 pm Walmart Trips: Tue-Wed-Fri 1:00 pm as well as Thurs 10:00 am

To save money our Punch Tickets are available and are pretty handy, please call 241-1848 or ask our helpful drivers Terry or Davina for more information.

Cost are $10 and $20 dollars for 11 and 22 rides.

We do distribute monthly commodities for those seniors who meet our income guidelines. Dates vary so call us at 620.241.1848 for more information.

Silver Spoon Kitchen Project! We’ve reached our goal $14,200 raised!

As you have heard we have been directing our fundraising to furnishing our kitchen so we can use it once again. Our stove, convection oven, sink, and a fryer are all hooked up at no small expense! Dishwashers in as well as a custom cabinet by LaRue Nelson thanks to Manelia and Stan Stephenson.

Closed Monday Sept 5th for Labor Day

“Color your Cares Away”

We started an adult coloring group on Thursday afternoons that coincides with our free Root Beer Float Day. Lucky Us! Such a great group name as there is no pressure to create, and we have a lot of pictures, felt pens, gel pens, colored pencils. You are free to do your own thing.

The group is so laid back and inclusive. Join us to meet some new friends.

All welcome. Coloring or not, no charge for fun or conversation.

Web page



We are collecting birthdays! Call us with yours!

Celebrating their August Birthdays

*Patsy Henry*Donna Burke*Margaret Hedburg*Dean Smidderks*

*Larry Busby*Cheryl James*Linda Schmalzried*Gayle Boughman*Vern Nutter*

*Sandra Alkire*Brian Viola*Alma Price*Karen Boyles*Linda Dixon*

*Valerie Norton*Jenny Plenart*Lu Nutter*Garland Hill*Al Rodeen*

*Micky Hancock*Mary Sadey*Vernon Hollaway*Larry Kirby*

*Sherry Bray*Linda Rosebrough*Marilyn Knapp*

Celebrating their September Birthdays

Gene Rhue (100!) *Bonnie Hopkins* Cheryl Thalhaim*Sue Shea*Connie Hall*Daniel Loges*Diane Larson*Emily Frantz*Merle Binder*Pam Shoemaker*

*Judy Pederson*Wayne Farminer*Marvin Sellberg*Dave Orth*Gayland Williams* *Carol Fithian*

McPherson Senior Center Board Members

Donna Burke, Manelia Stephenson, Dayle Toews, Dean Stewart, Aggie Windholz, Darlene Everhart, Mary Steffes, Director Sally Scott

Meets 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9:30 am here at the center. If you are interested in serving on the board, give Sally a call to be considered on the possible 2023 nomination list.

Coffee Sponsors -Just $10 a month supports our

25 cent coffee price and free Coffee on Wednesday!

Thank you for your support for our McPherson seniors.

August and September Monthly Sponsors (to date):

Marlena Regier*Jerry and Carol Fithian*Steve Erickson*

*Phyllis McNaul*

Our 2022 to 2023 Year Long Small Business Coffee Sponsors Support those that Support our Seniors!

Celeste Gawanda Mary Kay Distributer

Compass Realty Lanai Powell and Dana Regier

Crystal Toews of PRMI Realty

Heartland Vet The Handlins

Italianos Di Griffith

JD’s Quick Burger Chaz Clark

Jeannie Heinen Four Seasons Realtors

Jana McKinney JM Advisors

Kansas Secured Title

Les Mason Representative

Maple Street Barbers Gabriel Ibarra

McPherson Quality Air Geno Wilson

Nooks and Crannies Susan Hawley and Linda Allen

St. Ann’s Episcopal Church

State Farm Insurance Jim La Duke

Teresa Pimental of Home Sweet Home Realty

Tom’s Smoker Friendly/Smoke Shop

*Integrity Salon *Main St Deli *Pet Barn Grooming are paying each month. We appreciate all of you and your welcome to come in and talk about your business!

Join us for good coffee and conversation.

Book Club

1st Friday Book Club is looking for new members.

Just like their name they meet here the first Friday of the month at 9am

August book is “The Rose Code” by Kate Quin

September book is” The Sunflower Sinner” by Cynthia Dennis

Books can be found at the library or Twice Told Tales on 104 S. Main St.

Get creative with our upcoming Craft Club projects held on the third Friday at

9:30am August 19th and September 16th. Watch our face book for up-and-coming fall sessions and pics of our projects. We try to learn a variety of mediums and have fun!

Building Rentals

If you would like a room to meet in private during our business hours?

We will set up coffee and lemon water for a small charge of $1 per person.

After hours, the Center is available during evenings or weekends. Civic groups there is little or no charge! The center has a lot too offer from our ADA doors, parking, tables and chairs. Hourly rental rate is $20 an hour with a 3-hour rental minimum. Also, we ask for a refundable $50 key and cleaning deposit.

Senior Center’s Sunny Day 2022 Sponsors:

Thank you so much for supporting the center with your monetary and memorial donations!

*Donna Burke*Delomia Hurst*Don Carroll*Manelia and Stan Stephenson*

*Nancy Sellberg *Gayle Boughman*LaVonna Peterson*Rita Gosha*

*Julie Randa*Richard Wakefield*Eugene Rhue*Julia Campbell*

*Dwight and Ruth Hill*Marilyn and Laurence Sand*

*Darlene Everhart**Mitchell and Joyce Allmon*Rita Pederson*

*Steve and Loraine Erickson*Phyllis McNaul*Frances Duren*Lee Cline*

*Richard Erickson*Garry Erickson*Class of 1950*Rose Marie Barber*

*Heartland Vet/Mark and Cathy Handlin*Concerts for a Cause*

*Re Use It Center*Helen Moenich*Family of Mark Kennedy*

*Bridge Group*Anonymous Donors *Doris Coppock*

*Cynthia Tillman*Xan Williams*

We appreciate your support of the seniors in our community.

We always accept donations of products like coffee filters, silverware, napkins, coffee, cups and the like for use here at the center.


Bingo has been a hit! Cost is free and is played at 1:00 pm every Tuesday and now Friday. A BIG Shout out to Richard Johnson with the golden vocal cords calling our numbers each week. Thank you to all for the continued donations. Richard Johnson and Karen Evans have been hitting garage sales and asking for donations also. We have brought in some really cool prizes. If you are cleaning out a drawer, we may have a need, just drop of here at the center. If your grocery shopping, $1food items such as cookies, candy and cake mixes, as well as $5 gift cards seem to be valued prizes. We also except monetary donations toward prizes or treats for Bingo.

Are you hesitant to meet new people? Bingo is a great place to start!

Recent Bingo Prize Donators

This list is incomplete because there is so many that have generously given for the cause. (B-I-N-G-O!)Thank you to all named or unnamed. These are not one time donors, all these donations are what is making our Bingo a success. It’s all for FUN.

Karen Evens, Manelia Stevenson, Richard Johnson, Karen Crowley, Doris Wells, Esther Cyphers, Becky Alexander, Sharon Krell, Mary Koehn, Marilyn Perkins, Karen Crow, Elaine Estus, Wayne Shoin, Neysa Brown and Sally Scott, Maryilyn Sands, Dorothy Cumer, Deb Hulsey, Margaret Smith. Connie Burks, Valorie Norton, Frances Duren, Marlane Shandy, Diana Sykes, Olivia Fetsch, Mary Steffes, LaQuita Geist, Jennifer Enyart, Donna Viola, Janis Kelly, Paul Osborn, Marla Sammons, Donna Viola

Friendship Meals are available by calling

241-0160 a day in advance to reserve.

If your over 60, a suggested donation per meal is $3.00.

Available for pick up each day or eat in our dining room by calling a day ahead! Meals served Monday thru Friday promptly at 11:30 am

See daily meals on our attached activity calendar

New newsletter format is coming in October I hope you like it!

Directors Corner

In June we had over 1,000 visitors. We hope to keep growing. Seniors looking for information or coming in to eat and play. It really warms my heart to see new people walk in the door. If it is overwhelming to come into a new place bring a friend or family member till you get comfortable. We have had a few new pool players this month and we are trying to get them to join the pool league! It is tough to come into a new space and meet people. I for one always feel awkward meeting new people. Little did I know I would find so many people here at the center with a common interest or background as well as those that are just plain kind! I want you to meet them too. I hear many times that they are too young to come to the center but we have many 55+ that are just starting to enjoy retired life. Don’t let the word “Senior” scare or keep you away!

We do not have a nursing home setting but more like a club house! We are never too old to make new friends and we’d love to get to know you.

Ongoing Activities Its Coffee time all day every day!


8:30-9:30 Aerobics 1:00-3:30 Color Your Cares Away

12:00-3:00 10 Pt Pitch 1:00 Yahtzee

12-3:30 Open Pool Tables 1:00-300 Free Root Beer Floats

TUESDAY 12-3:30 Open Pool Tables

1pm Bingo FRIDAY

12-3:30 Open Pool Tables 8:30-9:30 Aerobics

WEDNESDAY 12:00-3:00 Phase 10

Free Coffee Day 1pm Bingo12:00-3:00 Dominoes

8:30-9:30 Aerobics 12-3:30 Open Pool Tables

12:00-3:00 Phase 10

12-3:30 Open Pool Tables


If interested call the front desk or email me (Sally Scott) at and we will add you to the list and start coordinating meet and greet times and days.

Here are few activities we hope to have soon:

· Sewing Group All kinds of sewing projects. Just a group to gather and work on their projects. Any sewing type: knitting, crochet, embroidery, just plain sewing to name a few.

· Yoga. We have a lot of interest but no one to lead the group.

· Card games at regular time: Pinocle, Skipbo, Uno, Yahtzee, Buncos, Dominoes

· Cooking Classes. Any interest?

· Watercolor or acrylic painting.

Thank you for all the produce home and Master gardeners.

Our seniors love the fresh produce you are dropping off.

Aerobics led by Donna Burk and Manelia Stephenson 3x a week is great fun and a workout! Starts a t 8:30 every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. All levels and ages are welcome and to join the coffee group to warm down. A great bunch of friendly people. Just come on in and try it out! Cost is $5. First month free to see if you enjoy it!

FOOTCARE We desperately need a once-a-month footcare provider to service us here at the center. The person can either be a registered nurse or certified in cosmetology. Until we find a replacement our Footcare Clinic is cancelled until further notice sadly. Also, we can use some ideas for speakers to talk about a trip, or with expertise in a subject. Life experiences are better shared!

Don’t forget we have exercise equipment begging to be used. Privacy and a TV!

No charge.

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