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June and July Newsletter

Center hours are 8am to 4pm

Monday through Friday


· Free Coffee Wednesday

· Free Root beer Float Thursday (Free 1pm to 3 pm sponsored by our generous Pool Players) Every Thursday

· Aerobics Every Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays start at 8:30 end about 9:30 am. Cost is $5.00 per month.

· Pool practices every afternoon

· Bingo is every Tuesday at 1 pm. We welcome any donated white elephant prizes! Play for free!

· Color your Cares away adult coloring each Thursday 1 to 3.

· Craft club meets 3RD Friday of each month. Project/cost to be determined but is usually around $5.

· Footcare, Blood Pressures and hearing checks are done on the health day on the 3rd week of each month in the morning.

· Cards: 10-point pitch, Phase 10 are now ongoing. Times vary.

· Dominos (Mexican Train) have groups Friday 12:00.

· Friendship meals are served promptly 11:30 AM Mon thru Fri

· First Friday Book Club meets 9 am once a month. Call with questions. They are looking for new members.

· Board meetings are 3rd Wednesday each month

Income based Commodities will be distributed Thursday June 16th. No Commodities in July

Coffee groups are welcome any time!

Coffee is 25 cents a cup here at the center.

Transportation is now free to the center. Join us for lunch!


Bus runs 8am until 3:30pm Mon-Fri

Just call 241-1848 to reserve a time and our friendly TLC drivers will pick you up at your door. Drop offs anywhere in town. Dr. appts, shopping, work- just $1.00 per way.

This is regular public transportation and any age can ride. We also have a handicap accessible lift for your convenience. Just a reminder to try and schedule the day before to reserve the time you desire. Any rides to the senior center are free.

Our Scheduled Shopping days:

Dillon’s Trips: Mon 10:00 am as well as Thurs 1:00 pm Walmart Trips: Tue-Wed-Fri 1:00 pm as well as Thurs 10:00 am

To save money our Punch Tickets are available and are pretty handy, please call 241-1848 or ask our helpful drivers Terry or Davina for more information.

Cost are $10 and $20 dollars for 11 and 22 rides.

We do distribute monthly commodities for those seniors who meet our income guidelines. Dates vary so call us at 620.241.1848 for more information.

Silver Spoon Kitchen Project! $9,200 Raised to Date! Goal is $12,000

As you have heard we have been directing our fundraising to furnishing our kitchen so we can use it once again. Our stove, convection oven, sink, and a fryer are all hooked up at no small expense!

We actually used our kitchen for the first time in a year and a half to cook a Spaghetti Lunch on All School’s Day May 13th. Volunteers made this a success! Thank you to Manelia Stephenson, Aggi Windholz, Stan Stephenson, Carol Friend, Neysa Brown, Donna Burke, Virginia Yost, Darlene Everhart, Mary Steffes, Jeanie Kirby, Davina Koehn, Terry Renberger, Darlene Johnson, and all who pitched in to create our first annual event.

“Color your Cares Away”

We started an adult coloring group on Thursday afternoons that coincides with our free Root Beer Float Day. Lucky Us! Such a great group name as there is no pressure to create, and we have a lot of pictures, felt pens, gel pens, colored pencils. You are free to do your own thing.

The group is so laid back and inclusive. Join us to meet some new friends.

All welcome. Coloring or not, no charge for fun or conversation.

Web page



We are collecting birthdays! Call us with yours!

Celebrating their June Birthdays

*Selena Peppiatt*Ricky Graber*Shirley Weems*Nancy Phillips*

*Mary Janzen*John Curren*Mildred Lowe*Beverly Boyle*Karen Davidson*

*Ronald Jones*Janice Lacy*Sally Scott*Carol Norris*Joy Winter*

*Mac Krentzel*Miles Hoffman*Virginia Yost*

Celebrating their July Birthdays

*Andrea Baker*Gayle Shuttuck*Margaret Waggoner*Elaine Estus*

*Berle Moraine*Carol Benton*Della Keogh*Hollis Lavonda Cochran*

*Paul Martinez*Karen Crowley*Bill Graber*Eleanor Kennedy*

*Betty Schmidt*Janis Kelly*Elois Edwards*Hanna Divelbiss*

Happy Birthday to everyone above and who we may have missed!

Pool Players Update

2022 Season closed with a bang! Our team lost only one tournament this season. They do come in to practice most days. It goes to show you all that hard work has paid off! Thank you to those that have donated to our Thursday Root Beer Float Day including Dale Mannebach, Steve Erickson, Richard Erickson, Chuck Alcort, Dale Fishback and Garry Erickson. We all appreciate your generosity. Your legends.

McPherson Senior Center Board Members

Donna Burke, Manelia Stephenson, Dayle Toews, Dean Stewart, Aggie Windholz, Darlene Everhart, Mary Steffes, Olivia Fetsch. Director Sally Scott

Meet 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9:30 am.

Coffee Sponsors -Just $10 a month supports our

25 cent coffee price and treats on Wednesday! As Sponsors we will also share your facebook posts on ours with credit for being a business sponsor and supporting seniors in McPherson. If interested, Sally will come to your business and pick up your business card as well as your donation!

June and July Sponsors (to date):


*Richard Johnson*Karen Evans*Frances Duren*Phyllis McNaul*


*Mary Steffes/Fee Insurance*

*Lanae Powell and Dana Regier/Compass Realty*

*Hospice and Homecare of Reno County*

*Pyle Law*

Join us for good coffee and conversation.

Served 1-3pm, Thursday’s Root Beer Float Day is going strong thanks to our incredible Pool Players. These wonderful guys are always ready to chip in a hand to lift, fix things, and have yet to tell me no! Not to mention they bring some laughs and humor to the center. They have stuck with us throughout thick and thin!

Craft Club

Shout out to Marla Sammons for the card craft this month. We can do it all! It was nice to have someone to share their skills with our group! She also has some of her greeting cards for sale here at the center if you are looking for a special card.

Craft Class is the third Friday of each month.

Upcoming Craft Club Crafts are Fridays at 9:30am June 20th and July 15th. Watch our face book for up-and-coming sessions and pics of our projects.

Great way to tackle a craft and learn some different skills.

If you would like a room to meet in private during our business hours? We will set up coffee and lemon water for a small charge of $1 per person. After hours, you may also rent the Center for your group or event during evenings or weekends?

Civic groups there is little or no charge! The center had a lot too offer from our ADA doors, parking, tables and chairs. Call for details for the hourly rate.

Senior Center’s Sunny Day 2022 Sponsors:

*Donna Burke*Delomia Hurst*Don Carroll*Manelia and Stan Stephenson*

*Nancy Sellberg *Gayle Boughman*LaVonna Peterson*Rita Gosha*

*Julie Randa*Richard Wakefield*Eugene Rhue*Julia Campbell*

*Dwight and Ruth Hill*Marilyn and Laurence Sand*Darlene Everhart*

*Mitchell and Joyce Allmon*Rita Pederson*Steve and Loraine Erickson*

*Phyllis McNaul*Frances Duren*Friendship Meals*Lee Cline*

*Richard Erickson*Garry Erickson*

Not to mention those that wish to remain anonymous, we value your support!

Thank you so much for supporting the center with your cash and memorial donations!

We appreciate your support of the seniors in our community.

We always accept donations of products like coffee filters, silverware, napkins, coffee and the like for use here at the center.


Bingo has been a hit! Cost is free and is played at 1:00 pm every Tuesday.

Thank you to all of our donators of prizes! The prizes donated have been amazing! We are also having a great response for clean, gently used white elephant Bingo prizes. If you are cleaning out a drawer, we may have a need, just drop of here at the center. If your grocery shopping, food items such as cookies and cake mixes, as well as $5 gift cards seem to be valued prizes.

We also could use volunteer number callers to give our regulars a break once in a while

Friendship Meals are available by calling

241-0160 a day in advance to reserve.

If your over 60, a suggested donation per meal is $3.00.

Available for pick up each day or eat in our dining room by calling a day ahead! Meals served Monday thru Friday promptly at 11:30 am

See daily meals on our attached activity calendar

WARNING FUN Ahead! At Hopps Thursday June 2nd Concert for a cause 7PM Hopps will be presenting Michelle and Sammy King Live! All proceeds of the raffle and popcorn will be collected by the McPherson Senior Center! Join us for some good music and LOTS of fun! Concert at Hopps! Raffle includes a Patriotic Wreath and 2 Youth Quilts This is the first concert of the series this year.

If you would like a room to meet in private during our business hours? We will set up coffee and lemon water for a small charge of $1 per person. You may also rent the Center for your group or event during evenings or weekends?

Civic groups there is little or no charge! The center had a lot too offer from our ADA doors, parking, tables and chairs. Call for details for the hourly rate.

Directors Corner

We are slowly building activities to fill our calendar. To do so we need volunteers to lead some presentations as well as activities. If you do some painting, drawing, yoga or some other talent to share we need you. If you have an idea that may work give me a call to discuss 241-1848.

Would anyone be interested in telling a few childhood stories, I’d be happy to transcribe and print for you. Keeping and sharing these memories are so important to all of us.

See you soon at the center-Join us for lunch! Have a happy and safe 4th!


Ongoing Activities


8:30-9:30 Aerobics 1:00-3:30 Color Your Cares Away

12:00-3:00 10 Pt Pitch 1:00-300 Free Root Beer Floats

12-3:30 Open Pool Tables 12-3:30 Open Pool Tables


Bingo 1pm 8:30-9:30 Aerobics

12-3:30 Open Pool Tables 12:00-3:00 Phase 10

12:00-3:00 Dominoes

WEDNESDAY 12-3:30 Open Pool Tables

Free Coffee Day

8:30-9:30 Aerobics Coffee times are ongoing

12:00-3:00 Phase 10

12-3:30 Open Pool Tables

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