· Wednesday coffee is free at the center till noon
· Free Root beer Float Thursday (Free 1pm to 3 pm sponsored by our generous Pool Players) Every Thursday
· Aerobics Every Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays start at 8:30 end about 9:30 am. Cost is $5.00 per month.
· Pool practices every afternoon
· Craft club meets Oct 15th Project/cost to be determined.
· Footcare is scheduled October 18 and November 15th. Please call to schedule appointment. The cost is $5.00.
· Blood Pressures can be taken on these footcare days
· Cards: 10-point pitch, Phase 10 are now ongoing. Times vary.
· Dominos (Mexican Train) have groups Friday 12:00.
· Friendship meals are served 11:30 AM Mon thru Fri
· First Friday Book Club meets 9 am once a month. call with questions.
· Board meetings are 4th Wednesday each month
Looking to form another Bridge group. Is anyone interested?
Coffee groups are welcome any time!
Coffee is 25 cents a cup here at the center.
Transportation is now free to the center for Meals
Just call 241-1848 to reserve a time and our friendly TLC drivers will pick you up at your door. Drop offs anywhere in town. Dr. appts, shopping, work- just $1.00 per way. This is regular public transportation and any age can ride. We also have a handicap accessible lift for your convenience. Masks are required to ride the bus. Just a reminder to try and schedule the day before to reserve the time you desire.
Our Scheduled Shopping days:
Dillon’s Trips: Mon 10:00 am as well as Thurs 1:00 pm Walmart Trips: Tue-Wed-Fri 1:00 pm as well as Thurs 10:00 am
To save money our Punch Tickets are available and are pretty handy, please call 241-1848 or ask our helpful drivers Terry or Davina for more information.
Cost are $10 and $20 dollars for 11 and 22 rides.
Center hours are 8am to 4pm
Monday through Friday
We do distribute monthly commodities for those seniors who meet our income guidelines. Dates vary so call us at 620.241.1848 for more information.
We really need your help
We depend on the generous donations from our friends to keep our center programs and services active and thriving. Frankly, we probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your support. We can also always use paper products such as napkins or plates.
Senior Center’s Sunny Day Sponsors:
*Gene Rhue*Delomia Hurst*Don Carroll*
*Mitchel and Joyce Allmon*Gayle Boughman*
all generously donated to the center in August and September.
Thank you so much for supporting the center with your cash donations!
We appreciate your support of the seniors in our community.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES CALL 241-1848 Needed-Friendship meal delivery and kitchen help Call 241-0160 ask for Connie Commodity bagging and carry out once a month Call 241-1848
I would like to thank those who came in and worked hard for the center this past month during the center including commodities and:
Donna Burke, Frances Duren, Nancy Sellberg,
Gayle Boughman, LaVonna Peterson, Rita Gosha,
Darlene Johnson, Curt Deneke and Nick Huddleston.
Thank you!
I also would like to thank Walgreens for coming in and running offering to have our flu shot clinic this month. We had quite the health clinic with blood pressures, footcare by Karen Ediger and Reno County Hospice and Homecare, and Connie Blake doing our blood pressure checks.
Attention! Medicare Part D open enrollment begins October 15th and ends December 7th. If you need assistance Jill Beckerfeldt from the McPherson Department of Aging will be at the center to assist you by appointment only. Call us for availability as soon as possible 241-1848.
Friendship Meals are available by calling
241-0160 a day in advance to reserve.
If your over 60, a suggested donation for these nutritious hot meals is only $3.00.
Available for pick up each day or eat in our dining room!
Meals served promptly at 11:30 am
Monday thru Friday.
See the attached menus for October and November.
We are collecting birthdays! Call us with yours!
Jeanie Kirby is doing a great job collecting your birthdays, she has collected over 200!
Our list is growing every day.
Celebrating their October Birthdays
*Margaret Wedel*Don Rounds*Mitch Allmon*Susan Maier*Joyce Allmon*
*Reva Simpson*Terri Collier*Darlene Everhart*Douglas Burns*Marlena Regier*
*Mary Bupp*Sid Johnson*Julie Randa*Lawrence Sand*
Celebrating their November Birthdays
*Mary Burns*Susan Redstone*Lonnie Wilson*Nina Bascue*Veneta Edigar*
*John Campos*Marie Orth*Gayle Williams*Jeanetta Logback*Steve Erickson*
*Pat Crawford*Arlene McKee*Marcus Martinez*
Happy Birthday to everyone above and who we may have missed!
Pool Players Update
Our Pool Players led by Captain Steve Erickson, are off to a great start this season.
Biscuits and Gravy served at home games with a good will donation.
Pool League game dates:
September 30th here vs Salina
Oct 7th Hutchinson vs McPherson (away)
Oct 21st here vs Hesston
Nov 4th Inman vs McPherson (away)
Nov 18th Moundridge vs McPherson (away)
Games begin at 9am.CCCCCCC
Craft Club
Our first meeting of the newly formed craft club went great. Our group made some pretty awesome pumpkin centerpieces Next scheduled is Friday October 15th at 9:30 am. I personally would like to thank Frances Duren for being the catalyst for our newly formed Craft Club as well as coming up with a pumpkin centerpiece we could all create. Frances even did some extra at her own cost to decorate our tables here at the center. Come in and check our spectacular fall deco. Our crafters’ talents run from aspiring artists to If you are looking for a specific activity or suggestion, we may be able to make it happen. paper cutters. Its so much fun to get together and just be creative.
October 6th 9:30 Social Media Seminar $5.00 per person “We’ll learn tips and tricks for how to use social media to keep up with those we care about” “We’ll discuss the basics of various social media networks (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) “We’ll learn together so we can no longer fear an ever-changing digital world" We will learn: - Covering the importance of social media - Learning the basics of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Tiktok - Discussing how to stay in touch with family and friends while maintaining privacy - Spotting online scams and false news - Q&A to follow
October and November Coffee Sponsors.
Cost is $10.00 per month.
Free Coffee Wednesdays 8am to noon
Gene Rhue*Delomia Hurst*Lou and Vern Nutter*Nancy Sellberg*Sid Johnson*
*Mary Steffes/Fee Insurance*
*Lanae Powell and Dana Regier/Compass Realty*
*Hospice and Homecare of Reno County*
*Jennifer Enyart Nextech Wireless*
*Tom Pyle/Pyle Law*
Join us for good coffee and conversation!
· Did you know you can rent the Center for your group or event during evenings or weekends? Civic groups there is little or no charge! We also have an extra office to use during business hours with a receptionist! Call for details. Prices start at $25.00
· So many new people as well as our familiar faces have been coming into the center. August, we had 1,036 inside our center. I’m so glad that no one feels like a stranger here. That’s due primarily to the team we have here. Dispatch/Reception handled by Greta Koehn and Jeanie Kirby. Our drivers are Terry Renberger and Davina Koehn. Sally Scott (me) brings up the rear.